由中国科学技术大学大纽约地区校友会主办的2019中国科大纽约峰会将于2019年10月6日在纽约市曼哈顿中城万豪酒店(New York Marriott Marquis)举行!
Citadel Securities & Citadel
Quantitative Researcher
- Location: Chicago, New York, London, Hong Kong, Toronto, Shanghai, Shenzhen
- Bachelors, Masters, PhD degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Computer Science, or another highly quantitative field
Mevion Medical Systems
Commissioning & Support Engineer
- Bachelors Degree in Physics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or related discipline
- At least one year of experience on similar projects
Electrical Engineer Manufacturing & Test
- Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering
- 5 to 10 yrs MFE experience
Accelerator Engineer
- PhD or equivalent in Accelerator Physics, High Energy Physics, Electrical Engineering, or related discipline
- 3+ years’ experience in design, operation and testing of accelerator systems
- 3+ years’ experience in related technology development projects
Technician, Test & Commission
- 3-10 years of experience in electro-mechanical (EMT) assembly, test or repair
Wells Fargo
1.Quantitative Analytics Program
Capital Markets track
- Locations: Charlotte (NC), McLean (VA), New York (NY), and San Francisco (CA)
- A PhD in computer science, economics, engineering, mathematics, physics, statistics, or a related quantitative field
Credit & Operational Risks track
- Locations: Atlanta (GA), Charlotte (NC), McLean (VA), Minneapolis (MN), and San Francisco (CA)
- A master’s degree in one or a combination of the above-listed areas and two or more years of relevant industry experience
2.Quantitative Internship Program: Summer 2020
Capital Markets track, Credit & Operational Risk track
- Locations: Charlotte (NC), McLean (VA), New York (NY), San Francisco (CA)
- Pursuing a Masters or PhD in a quantitative field such as statistics, mathematics, computer science, physics, engineering, economics, or a related quantitative field with an expected completion date of December 2020 or later
- 国内外知名大学硕士研究生及以上学历,数学/统计、计算机、工程学专业出身
- 2 年以上数据科学相关工作 经验,有金融行业数据分析工作经验优先
- 国内外知名大学硕士研究生及以上学历,数学/统计、计算机、工程学专业出身
- 熟练掌握机器学习中常见的算法并有 2 年以上实战经验
Senior International Sales
- Master’s degree from top universities in English-speaking developed countries
- At least 8 years of experience as business development roles in global financial institutions with proven performance; overseas work experience required
Junior Product Analyst
- Master’s degree in a globally recognized post-secondary institution
- Minimum 2 years of work experience in mutual fund or ETF products at an asset management firm including investment product
2.校招类(2020 年 8 月前毕业的应届生)
- 工作地点:北京
金融 AI 算法工程师
- 工作地点:北京
- 工作地点:北京
- 工作地点:北京
- 工作地点:北京,深圳,杭州
- 工作地点:北京
- 工作地点:北京,深圳,杭州,青岛
- 工作地点:北京
- 工作地点:北京
- 工作地点:北京
- 工作地点:北京
- 工作地点:北京
- 工作地点:北京,上海,广州,深圳,南京,杭州,成都
(Alternative Investment Department)
Quantitative Development Support/量化研发支持
- Location: Beijing / New York
- Graduate degree in computer science, automation, or other science /engineering field
- 1~3-year development experience in trading platform will be a plus
Quantitative Trading Developer/量化交易开发
- Location: Beijing / New York
- Graduate degree in science / engineering from a well-known institution
- Experiences for trading platform development of two years or more
Junior Quantitative Strategist/量化策略投研助理
- Location: Beijing
- Expected to earn graduate degree in 2020 from a well-known institution
Junior Financial Technology Developer/金融科技开发助理
- Location: Beijing
- Expected to earn graduate degree in 2020 from a well-known institution
Chief Data Officer/首席数字官
- Location: Beijing
- Computer, mathematics, physics, statistics and other professional backgrounds are preferred, master’s degree or above
- More than 15 years of experience
Chief Architect
- Location: Beijing
- More than 10 years Internet experience
Digital Intermediate Architect/数字中台架构师
- Location: Beijing
- Computer related major, leading universities background
- More than 5 years of experience
Senior Expert of NLP/自然语言处理资深专家
- Location: Beijing
- Computer, automation, pattern recognition and other related majors in leading colleges (Like Chinese 985/211 universities or top 200 of QS universities) with master’s degree or above
Manager of Actuarial and Data Analysis/精算及数据分析经理
- Location: Beijing
- Postgraduate and above degree from leading universities, major in mathematics, actuarial science, statistics, computer and insurance
- More than 8 years of data work experience, including more than 4 years of health insurance data analysis experience, team management experience
胡刚(清华91级 WinShore Capital管理合伙人)
庞晓东(浙大77级 Freepoint Commodities副主席,美中关系全国委员会董事会董事)
谭晓强(CIO of FICC at American Century Funds)
陈定举(7701 美国银行董事总经理)
文小刚(7702 美国国家科学院院士,麻省理工学院物理学终身教授,格林讲席教授)
陆彬(7707 美国房利美金融风控资深主任,中国科大华盛顿基金会Director)
张亚勤(78少 美国人文与科学院院士,百度公司总裁)
陈馨国(7803 美国迪恩资产管理合伙人,中国科大华盛顿基金会Director & Chairman)
张立言(7904 美国科珍通讯网络技术主任,中国科大华盛顿基金会Director & Vice Chairman)
严晓东(8002/8010 DIA Associates(美国)和融奕数智科技(深圳)有限公司创始人及首席执行官)
程临钊(8008 中国科大生命科学与医学部部长、讲席教授,约翰霍浦金斯大学医学院终身教授)
马俊(8009 Vaso Corporation总裁及首席执行官)
潘梅青(8009 AIG模型验证官)
王文东(8009 ATC, Inc. IT咨询顾问)
翟建林(8010 前美国房利美金融风控主任,中国科大华盛顿基金会Director & President)
李丽虹(8101 美国食品药品监督管理局药物评估和研究中心高级统计评审员)
吴志东(8101 美国Z.D. Jasper地产总裁)
张迎潮(8102 元初智能业务开发副总裁及合伙人,西温莎议会副议长)
许四清(8105 阿尔法公社创始人)
刘晚生(8212 Fox Rothschild LLP合伙人及中国业务主席)
郝艺(8305 紫鹭艺术团团长,中国科大大纽约地区校友会董事长)
杜云松(8307 SMBC全球交易总管及常务总裁)
沈浩(8307 博飞电子公司总经理)
穆斌(84少 Citadel Securities首席技术官)
杨竞霜(86少 前北京大数据研究院常务副院长,前瑞士信贷董事总经理)
邵阳(8614 LakePharma Inc 蛋白质化学总监,加州Fremont市议员)
陶建辉(8605 涛思数据创始人)
倪鸿(8703 中金公司董事总经理)
黄颖(88少 Legend Biotech首席财务官)
高任远(9002 Westfield Investment, LLC创始人兼首席投资官)
陶晓东(9006 安徽科大讯飞医疗信息技术有限公司总经理)
熊辉(9010 美国罗格斯大学教授)
彭琳(9108 Baruch College, CUNY Krell金融讲席教授)
肖京(9110 平安科技首席科学家)
彭晓寒(9114 DXC Technology高级分析师,Edison, NJ学区委员会委员)
车晔(92少 辉瑞公司计算分析与药物设计负责人,F1000药物设计学者)
李可(92少 高盛合伙人)
林晓东(9211 美国罗格斯大学管理科学及信息系统系终身教授,供应链分析实验室主任)
俞天宁(9308 Mevion Medical Systems首席执行官)
陈云霞(9400 摩根大通副总裁(合规管理),Edison NJ 学区委员会委员)
陈一昕(9511 华夏基金首席数据官,董事总经理)
高磊(9600/9608 哈药集团股份有限公司副总经理)
伍超(9610 Booz Allen Hamilton 高级数据科学家,Howard County, Maryland学区委员会委员)
孙骁琳 (9801 Dropbox 数据增长负责人)
赵珺姝(9903 Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS)高级研究员,曾任BMS亚裔联合会联合主席)
孙亚洲(0208 深圳达仁基因科技有限公司CEO)
赵涌(0403 美国房利美金融分析师,中国科大华盛顿基金会Director)
Citadel Securities & CitadelMevion Medical Systems中金公司Wells FargoLAV Global Management Co.,Ltd.
华夏基金管理有限公司 & 中信证券
中国科大华盛顿基金会,USTC Washington Fund (USTCWF)
中国科大新创校友基金会/中国科大百人会Fox Rothschild LLP
*注:个人赞助$5000及以上享受VIP room access
何迪: (509) 942-9234, hedi1226@gmail.com
钱宇颖: (646) 525-9816, qyy2016@gmail.com
Stronger Foundations. Greater Heights.
Citadel is a leading investor in the world’s financial markets. For over a quarter of a century, we have sought to deliver industry-leading investment returns to clients including corporate pensions, endowments, foundations, public institutions, and sovereign wealth funds. Our global team works to help our clients’ capital fulfill its greatest potential across a diverse range of markets and investment strategies, including fixed income & macro, equities, quantitative, commodities and credit. For more information, visit Citadel.com.
Locations: Chicago, Boston, Dallas, Greenwich, Hong Kong, Houston, London, New York, San Francisco, Shanghai, and Toronto
Making Better Markets for a Better World
Citadel Securities is a leading global market maker, delivering a broad array of fixed income and equity products to banks, broker-dealers, government agencies, corporations, insurers, and sovereign wealth funds. Through innovation and efficiency, the firm provides liquidity with the goal of driving price discovery in more than 35 countries and making markets more competitive, open, and transparent. Since its founding more than 15 years ago, Citadel Securities has cultivated a culture of excellence, assembling the brightest minds in trading, technology, and the sciences to make better markets for a better world. For more information, visit CitadelSecurities.com.
Locations: Chicago, New York, London, Hong Kong, Toronto, Shanghai, Sydney, and Dublin
*注:Citadel及Citadel Securities将会来峰会现场进行招聘
Mevion Medical Systems, Inc. is the leading provider of compact proton therapy systems for use in radiation treatment for cancer patients. Its core technology comes from MIT. Mevion’s proton therapy systems are the smallest compact single room systems in the world with much lower capital and operating costs than multiroom proton therapy systems. In addition, its world-leading HYPERSCAN pencil beam scanning (PBS) technology and exclusive Adaptive Aperture technology has been used for treatment in many well-known cancer centers in North America and Europe (including 6 NCI-Designated Cancer Center), which contribute to Mevion’s No.1 market share in the U.S. in single room proton systems treating patients. Mevion is based in Littleton, Massachusetts, with a presence in Europe and China. For more information, please visit www.mevion.com.
*注:Mevion Medical Systems将会来峰会现场进行招生
China International Capital Corporation Limited (CICC) is China’s oldest joint-venture investment bank and a pioneer in international best practices in China. Since its inception in 1995, CICC has established full-service business model offering investment banking, equities, FICC, wealth management services and investment management – all based on our solid research coverage. CICC has more than 200 securities branches in mainland China, with branches in Hong Kong, New York, Singapore, London, San Francisco, and Frankfurt.
Wells Fargo & Company is a nationwide, diversified, community-based financial services company that is headquartered in San Francisco with major locations around the country. Founded in 1852, Wells Fargo is one of the country’s oldest and most stable companies. We have more than 265,000 team members and serve about one in three households in the United States.
*注:Wells Fargo将会来峰会现场进行招聘
ChinaAMC was founded on April 9, 1998. It is one of the first fund management companies approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. The company is headquartered in Beijing, with branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Qingdao, and subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Shanghai. The company manages assets of over 1 trillion RMB. It is one of the largest fund management companies in terms of the asset under management (AUM); It serves more than 46,000 institutional investors and 100 million retail investors. ChinaAMC adheres to the philosophy of “Our Performance Your Trust”, and continues to maintain its leadership in the industry. ChinaAMC won the “Golden Bull Manager Award” selected by China Securities News for eight times, the “Gold Fund Top Manager Award” selected by Shanghai Securities News for eight times, and the “Star Fund Manager” selected by Securities Times five times. ChinaAMC also won the “Asset Management Company of the Year China” by overseas authorities such as “Asian Investor”, “Asia Asset Management” and “The Asset”.