主 题:职业社交网络在企业中的应用 (Professional Social Network for Enterprises)
演讲人:罗小强(8506),Senior Engineering Manager at LinkedIn (NYC)
时 间:2017年8月24日晚上7:00PM-9:00PM
地 点:曼哈顿中城(具体地点报名后另行通知)
Professional social network provides an unprecedented amount of quality data that is changing the business landscape from hiring talents, acquiring competitive intelligence, marketing and selling products, in addition to early benefits that individuals or consumers have realized. In this talk I will share insights how massive amount of data is generated, stored, and utilized to help enterprises conduct business through the economic graph.
Xiaoqiang graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering from University of Science and Technology of China (8506). He received his Ph.D. from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of The John Hopkins University. Dr. Luo was Research Staff Member at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center and is Senior Engineering Manager and leads the Data Relevance team in LinkedIn’s NYC office. Before joining LinkedIn in 2015, he was a Senior Research Scientist at Google.
主 办:中国科学技术大学大纽约地区校友会
协 办:Fordham大学中国学生学者联合会
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联系人:班小猛(0311) (;张万德(0209) (
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